This summer our neighborhood got a Trader Joe's. I'd never been to one before the opening of this store but I had heard about them. The building of the new Trader Joe's caused all sorts of grumbling from the local grocery stores and liquor stores.
In Minnesota you can not buy alcohol in the grocery store, nor can you buy it on Sunday. We have neighborhood liquor stores which are nice but it would be convenient to be able to buy our booze when picking up dinner at the last minute.
Trader Joe's has a wine shop in their stores. In Minnesota stores they are separate from the grocery part of the store and you have to make two separate purchases but you don't have to move your car which makes it a little more convenient.
I'd hear about Trader Joe's Three Buck Chuck from friends and family who had a store near them. But I had never tried it. I'm not a wine snob, though I do like a nice wine, I'll drink anything if it doesn't make my mouth bleed. So I was looking forward to the Trader Joe's wine.
The Three Buck Chuck is the Charles Shaw label which produces many varieties of wine but the store, at least the one here, carries Cabernet, Merlot and Chardonnay. I spent $9 plus some tax and tried one of each. I now have three bottles of cooking wine.
Actually the Chardonnay was not too bad but the cab and Merlot were gut churningly bad. Even for $3 they were overpriced. I can't think of when I might be tempted to drink this wine.
Have you tried the Three Buck Chuck? What did you think about it?